The plots are simple but to the point. In good taste and definitely aimed at home viewing with the reluctant wife present. In one of the films we see the typical scared TV who decides to buy a wig. He hesitant- ly opens the door of the shop. He is shaky and wishing he hadn't come. Tells Marie a story about wanting a wig for my sister, who's about my size". Marie shocks the daylights out of him by stating that she knows all about TV's..."you see I'm married to one". Invites him to come the following day bringing his clothes so he can dress and try on a wig. He arrives next day. the camera shows just a leg while the stocking is going up. .feet entering into pumps. the hem of a slip falling to the knees...and then the hem of a red dress covering the slip... the next shot...shows the beginning of the make- upprocess. a clock on the wall shows passage of time.. and voila. the TV emerges from the booth in full glory He looks so good that Marie invites him to the cafeteria downstairs for a cup of coffee...they both leave.. . and that's it. As harmless as a new-born chick.
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We hope to add many more reels with locales in the city as well as in the resort. It is terribly exciting to find yourself under the hot glare of lights and worry every minute about perspiration messing up your make-up.. or, what's worse, the thought of the beard showing through. We are now about to edit the first two films before we plunge into more units. We have invited Dr. Benjamin and Dr. Pomeroy to the premiere showing before the official release. So as you see, we'll have an added attraction for our guests who come to spend a week-end at the resort....
Who said that TV life wasn't fun?
Love to all from